• Lohilo High-Protein Bar Chocolate Cake 1x12 Best Price in UAE

Lohilo High-Protein Bar Chocolate Cake 1x12 Bars

AED 199.00
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  • Lohilo High-Protein Bar Chocolate Cake 1x12

    Does the world really need more protein bars?! Well.. WE do

    Lohilo High-Protein Bars have double filling which means it contains multiple layers of chocolate, caramel and more. Lohilo High-Protein Bars are something you can and will always take with you, as they are suitable for any situation.

    We almost always bring a protein bar along, but not a single one have fulfilled all the criteria to be perfect.. until now.

    Product Highlights:

    - No Palm Oil

    - 20 grams of protein

    - No added sugar

    - Amazing tastes!

    Chocolate Cake

    This one is for chocolate fans. If you like chocolate, this will definitely be your favorite. Soft chocolate mass on the inside with caramel coating on top of the dark chocolate and crisps.


    Chocolate Cake - Dark chocolate chocolate protein bar (28%), contains sweeteners.

    Ingredients: dark chocolate, sweetener (maltitol), cocoa bean pulp, cocoa butter, butter fat, emulsifier (lecithin), collagen peptides, milk protein, humectant (glycerin), soy > protein, sweetener (maltitol), oligofructose, whole milk powder, sunflower oil, flavor, tapioca starch, cocoa mass, salt, emulsifier (lecithin), colorant (caramel), sweetener (acesulfame-K).



    Hyjiyastore is a best place to buy the Lohilo High-Protein Bar Chocolate Cake 1x12 in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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