• Mr Bone Dental Dog Chew Sticks - DUM003 Best Price in UAE

Mr Bone Dental Dog Chew Sticks - DUM003

AED 8.00
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  • Mr Bone Dental Dog Chew Sticks - DUM003

    Mr. Bone Dental Dog Chew Sticks (DUM003) are expertly crafted to enhance your dog's oral health while satisfying their natural chewing needs. Formulated with high-quality ingredients, these chew sticks effectively reduce plaque and tartar, promoting fresher breath and stronger gums. Suitable for all breeds, DUM003 offers the perfect combination of taste and dental care, ensuring your dog enjoys every bite.



    Hyjiyastore is a best place to buy the Mr Bone Dental Dog Chew Sticks - DUM003 in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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